My goal for today was to add support for building PDF documents of my Resume.
But getting Jekyll to play nicely with PDF generation was a bit more involved than I had hoped. Here’s what did and didn’t work for me.
Didn’t Work
I started off using pandoc
in a couple of different ways. First attempt was to
generate PDF documents from the built HTML files.
Getting pandoc
required LaTeX
, which I installed using
brew install basictex
brew install texlive
brew install pandoc
Then, I tried running it on the HTML file built by Jekyll
bundle exec jekyll b
pandoc -s --pdf-engine=xelatex _site/resume/index.html -o resume.pdf
The problem with this build was that it messed up the masthead
/ navbar header when
rendering the PDF.
I also tried using a live server, but it had the same problem:
pandoc -s --pdf-engine=xelatex -o resume.pdf
Rather than continuing down the pandoc
route, I decided to try
wkhtmltopdf. I installed the pre-compiled binary from
wkhtmltopdf/downloads and generated the
document as follows:
wkhtmltopdf --no-images resume.pdf
It was only after writing this that I realized how old wkhtmltopdf
is. Next time, I’ll
give weasyprint
a try.